Post-Bariatric surgery

If you have recently experienced significant weight loss after bariatric surgery, dieting, or pregnancy, you may bothered by excess skin on areas of your body. Plastic surgeons may use post-bariatric surgery contouring techniques, including body lift and other body sculpting procedures, to remove drooping skin left behind after weight loss surgery. Learn more about the benefits of post-weight loss surgery cosmetic procedures by clicking on the links to the right.

Candidates for
this procedure

It can be very discouraging to achieve weight loss, yet still have to contend with excess skin that keeps you from wearing the clothes you'd like. Excess skin can cause cause daily discomfort by causing rashes and possibly skin infections. Post-weight loss cosmetic surgery can be an excellent solution for anyone who would like to have loose, excess skin removed from his or her body. Body contouring procedures can help you achieve the figure you desire after weight loss surgery, pregnancy, or following weight loss achieved through diet and exercise.

Post bariatric surgery patients

Patients who have chosen to lose weight through bariatric surgery must accept a lifetime of changes; eating habits, lifestyle adjustments, and medical risks must all be taken into account. In addition to these commitments, post-bariatric surgery cosmetic procedures may be considered as a way to remove excess skin that causes skin irritation and prevents post-weight loss patients from fully enjoying their new bodies. Surgery to remove the excess skin and fat includes such body contouring options as tummy tuck, liposuction, and body lift. These procedures have been successfully used after weight loss surgery to refine patients' bodies and help them enjoy everyday activities.

Women who have been pregnant

Weight gain during pregnancy is normal, as is weight loss after giving birth. For women with diminished skin elasticity or those who have had multiple pregnancies, excess skin may be a problem. If pregnancy has left you with post-weight loss excess skin, surgery to remove the additional skin can help give you the slimmer, shapelier figure you desire. Keep in mind that future pregnancies can reverse the effects of body contouring, so you should wait until you are done having children before undergoing this type of surgery.

Any weight loss patient who has excess skin

Whether achieved through bariatric surgery or diet and exercise, massive weight loss often results in areas of loose, excess skin. If you have successfully lost a significant amount of weight through changes in your eating habits or activities, post‑weight loss cosmetic surgery procedures such as a body lift may be a good option to eliminate any excess skin. Choosing to undergo a body lift after weight loss is an excellent way to reveal your slimmer new figure.